Segregation Chart


Home/Segregation Chart

Colour Coding Type of Container Waste Category Treatment & Final Disposal Options
Plastic Bin with
Yellow Plastic bag(liner)
Non chlorinated
Anatomical Waste:
Human Anatomical Waste/
Animal waste
Hand over to Common
Bio Medical Treatment Facility
Plastic Bin with
Red Plastic bag(liner)
Non chlorinated
Infectious Soiled Waste
(Non Plastic)
Plaster Casts Etc
Hand over to Common
Bio Medical Treatment Facility
blue Plastic Bin with
Blue Plastic bag(liner)
Contaminated Plastic:
Plastic Syringes,Intra Venous fluid sets/Fluid Bags,
Blood Bags,Catheters,Cannula,Gloves,
Corrugated rubber,drains etc.
Hand over to CBMWTF
the absence of service of
CBMWTF disinfect and mutilate/
deform before discarding/
handed over to recycler.
white Puncture Proof Container
with lid(PPC) filled 3/4th with freshly
prepared bleach solution
Needles,broken glass pieces,cut ampules,
glass slides,broken blades,
scissors,aluminium foils of
vials etc
Disinfection and put content in
sharp pit(needle-pit) or
Hand over to Common
Bio Medical Treatment Facility
Plastic Container with
black plastic liner
Discarded Medicines *(After Expiry)
Waste solid and liquid chemicals*/
Containers storing them in
Containers of silver nitrate*.
Hand over to Common
Bio Medical Treatment Facility